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White Star Line - Liverpool to New York

Designer: Unknown
Decade: 1920s
Year: Unknown
Dimensions: 63 x 102 cm
Countries: England, USA, Canada
Published by: White Star
Printed by: The Liverpool Printing & Stationery Co.
Condition: 10/10
An old and very valuable original in almost perfect condition.

Ship posters are some of the most valuable, and the White Star Line is one of the best in the genre, as the British shipping company built the largest ships of the time: the Olympic (1911), Titanic (1912) and Britannic (1915). This beautiful poster shows a large ship sailing from Liverpool and Southampton to the USA and Canada. The text on the poster mentions the cities of Liverpool, Queenstown, Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Quebec, Montreal, Halifax and Portland. The routes mentioned were sailed by RMS Titanic and RMS Olympic - which of the two ships that are drawn we do not know, because they are similar to each other for confusion.

This is an original vintage poster. It is not a reproduction. At the time of writing you will not find this poster anywhere else on the internet and it is unlikely that it will ever be put up for sale in such good condition again.

The frame is not included in the price, but we recommend that you buy a specially made frame with museum glass, which optimally protects against UV radiation, and thus preserves this unique poster and its value.