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Italy - The most beautiful country

Sale price$4,160.00

Designer: Cassandre
Decade: 1930s
Year: 1935
Dimensions: 62 x 99 cm
Country: Italy
Published by: Off. Graph. Coen & C. - Milano
Printed by: The Enit
Condition: 9/10

✓ Original - not a reprint!
✓ Delivery in 2-4 working days
✓ 100 days right of return

Valuable poster by the French artist Cassandre, pseudonymous by Adolphe Jean-Marie Mouron, who was a painter, commercial poster artist and font designer with a timeless aesthetic. His posters are some of the most valuable, and with good reason. This travel poster also promotes sports in Italy, making it even more valuable. The only thing that pulls the price down is that there are also other of these in circulation, and that the text on the poster is German. The condition of the poster is really good, and probably also better than you will see with other of these posters. There are only a few very small folds that you will not notice in a frame as well as a little (nice) patina.

Cassandre designed this and two other Italian travel posters one summer on Lake Maggiore in northern Italy. Mussolini had passed a law banning Italian companies from working with French artists. To get around that, Augusto Coen invited him to work in Italy. Although the style was clearly Cassandres, he had to use the monogram "AMC" to hide his French name. This German-language poster promotes Italy as "the most beautiful country for any sport", as Cassandre illustrates with sports equipment for golf, tennis, sailing, skiing and a harpoon with the Alps, the sea and the sky in the background.

Frame is not included in the price. See our large selection of exclusive frames that can be made precisely to the poster.

Italy - The most beautiful country Sale price$4,160.00